অনেক কঠিন। এগুলা পাকনা প্রোগ্রামারদের জন্য
how does it works: first step is to build an heap. That is done in the heapify function. Hepaify put the largest element at the root.
Try to understand from here. It doesn't have any code.
function heapSort(arr){
var len = arr.length,
end = len-1;
heapify(arr, len);
while(end > 0){
swap(arr, end--, 0);
siftDown(arr, 0, end);
return arr;
function heapify(arr, len){
// break the array into root + two sides, to create tree (heap)
var mid = Math.floor((len-2)/2);
while(mid >= 0){
siftDown(arr, mid--, len-1);
function siftDown(arr, start, end){
var root = start,
child = root*2 + 1,
toSwap = root;
while(child <= end){
if(arr[toSwap] < arr[child]){
swap(arr, toSwap, child);
if(child+1 <= end && arr[toSwap] < arr[child+1]){
swap(arr, toSwap, child+1)
if(toSwap != root){
swap(arr, root, toSwap);
root = toSwap;
toSwap = root;
child = root*2+1
function swap(arr, i, j){
var temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
Question: Between merge and heap sort, which one you will choose?
compare with other:compare heap sort with others
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